This Is What “Octomom” Nadya Suleman Is Up To Today

Published on January 27, 2022

A Disaster

On September 18th, 1999, a riot erupted at the facility. Twenty patients took part in it, and Nadya tried to help calm the situation down. One of the patients ended up flipping over a desk, which ended up hitting Nadya in her back. She ended up having a herniated disc injury and she was given $170,000 in wokers’ comp. This enabled her to get by for some time.

A Disaster

A Disaster

Postponing The Dream

The injury prevented Nadya from being able to work and also caused her significant distress in addition to the pain. She was truly burdened, and the fact that she and Marcos had been trying to have children to no avail wasn’t helping matters. They ended up going to see a doctor to see what could be done.

Postponing The Dream

Postponing The Dream