Everything You Needed To Know About Early Humans and Evolution

Published on February 22, 2023

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During this period, our ancestors were believed to be small-brained apes, and it was widely assumed that they subsisted on whatever they could scavenge. It was thought that they survived by consuming food that the land provided or by eating the meat of animals that had died from natural causes or been left behind by larger predators. However, the discovery of hunting and eating tools indicates that our ancestors may have been more intellectually advanced than initially presumed.

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What They Wore

Although precise dates are challenging to determine, research has identified when our human-like ancestors began utilizing animal skins to keep warm. This need may have arisen after losing a substantial amount of body hair. Scientists believe that humans started wearing “clothes” approximately one million years ago, as determined by analyzing factors such as the genetic skin coloration of our ancestors during this period.

What They Wore

What They Wore