This Boyfriend Was Stunned When He Saw His Girlfriend on the Bathroom Floor

Published on March 4, 2021

A 23-year-old Australian model received one of the biggest surprises of her entire life when she suddenly became very ill. Not long after falling ill, she had to rush to the bathroom. She remained in the bathroom for ten excruciating minutes before something completely unexpected happened. This was an unexpected surprise that was going to change her life forever. However, things got a whole lot worse when the model’s boyfriend found her in the bathroom. The couple was in for a big surprise. Continue reading to find out what transpired in the bathroom and how it changed the couple’s life forever.


Erin Langmaid is widely known for being an Australian model. However, she’s been making headlines worldwide for something other than her modeling career. Erin didn’t plan such attention or the event that caused these headlines, but what exactly happened to the model?



Receiving Criticism

After this event occurs, the Australian model received tremendous amounts of public backlash and criticism. Many people stated that Erin should have noticed the pre-warning signs that commonly lead up to the event that occurred in October. The public thought this story was fake.

Receiving Criticism

Receiving Criticism