Things That Only Baby Boomers Think Are Still Cool

Published on June 30, 2021

24-Hour News Networks

The 24-hour news cycle was once a staple in every single American home. Mostly unbiased reporting helped Americans rely on their daily news broadcasts. However, as time and money has changed these news networks, it seems like only the Boomers are still tuning in to traditional mainstream media channels. Besides, most younger people don’t even have cable at all.

24 Hour News Networks

24 Hour News Networks


We all know that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend” because of Marilyn Monroe and commercials that popularized these stones throughout the late 40’s and 50’s. Nowadays, we know that a lot of diamonds are mined in inhumane conditions, and we have the option of buying cubic zirconia that looks just as nice and actually costs way less.

