The Best Backpacks For Your Next Backpacking Adventure

Published on October 6, 2020

Traveling requires a lot of planning. You need to plan the flights, your accommodations, and taking time off of work. Next you need to plan your route, whether you’ll need to rent a car or not. Last but not least, you need to worry about packing. Packing is truly an art form, and your canvas is your bag. Without the proper bag, you may be setting yourself up for travel failure.

Anyone who’s been backpacking before will be the first to tell you that having the correct pack is the most crucial part of the trip. The size, quality, and comfort-level will determine how your trip goes. Before your next backpacking trip, make sure to take a look at these tips!

Backpacks For Trains
Backpacks For Trains

How To Pick Your Backpack

One of the most important things to look out for is how the backpack’s zipper functions. There’s absolutely nothing more frustrating than a zipper that gets caught, especially when you’re in a hurry. The zipper should open up like a suitcase.

The next thing you should look for is a sturdy hip belt. Since you’ll be carrying everything you need in this bag, you should be aware that the majority of the weight should really be on your hips, rather than your back.

Our Best Picks:

We can’t stress enough how important choosing the right backpack is in order to make sure that your trip will go smoothly. These are some of the best travel backpacks that we’ve rounded up for you, so take a look and find your perfect match!

Osprey Farpoint Travel Backpack – this backpack offers a real suspension system, which will certainly come in handy while hiking, but is still comfortable for other types of travel, so it’s a great value for the price. It also features a great padded hip belt to make sure your back is safe.

Osprey Backpack
Osprey Farpoint Backpack

Osprey Porter Backpack – as one of the most popular travel backpacks, it’s easy to see why so many people choose this as their go-to travel bag. It has a solid shoulder harness system, which is great for urban travel. It comes in three different sizes and is frills-free, so you won’t have to deal with hanging straps.

Osprey Porter Backpack
Osprey Porter Backpack

Patagonia Blackhole MLC – Alright, we know – this is actually a duffle bag, but if you prefer the duffle to a backpack, this one is the way to go. It also doubles as a backpack with handy straps! Both minimalistic and sleek, this bag is a stylish way to go while also providing everything you need from a travel bag.

Patagonia Blackhole MLC
Patagonia Blackhole MLC